
When your furry, feathered, or finned family members seem like they might be under the weather or injured, our team at Village Veterinary Hospital in Escondido, CA, can take a look to see what the problem might be and prescribe preventive care based on our findings. If you haven’t established care with a veterinarian near you yet, you should consider our office for your pets’ veterinary care. 


Dr. Alex performing an ultrasound

What Are Diagnostics?

The term “diagnostics” refers to things that we do as a veterinary team to look for the root of a problem or identify an illness or injury. We choose which diagnostics to pursue based on information you tell us about your pet’s problem, symptoms we can observe, and our best judgment. Diagnostics can be invasive or non-invasive, depending on the nature of the problem.

What Diagnostics Do We Use?

At our veterinary practice, we’ll listen to your pet’s heart and lungs with a stethoscope and examine them for any visible issues we notice. Once we’ve got a good idea of your pet’s current state based on our observations, we may perform testing to diagnose problems that are complex or confirm our suspicions about what may be causing your pet trouble. For some diseases and conditions, we may perform blood tests. We might also perform X-rays if we suspect that your pet has a blockage, broken bone, or fracture. We can also perform an ultrasound to examine soft tissues and internal organs.

For aging pets, diagnostics may be an important part of their pet care to ensure that they can live healthy lives. If you’ve adopted a new pet from a shelter that didn’t give you much information about the animal’s history, part of the initial pet care process may involve diagnostics to make sure that your new pet is healthy and prescribe treatments if they have existing health issues. You may also find that we’ll perform blood tests or X-rays if your pet is a breed with a higher risk of developing certain conditions. If you’re not sure if testing is necessary, you can ask questions.

To establish preventive care with a veterinarian near you, call us at Village Veterinary Hospital in Escondido, CA.


Part of our blood testing laboratory