Preventive Care

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s easily as true for veterinary care as it is for human medicine. In fact, because pets can’t communicate with their human caretakers easily, prevention may go even further. Proper nutrition and weight management, along with a healthy lifestyle appropriate for your companion, can go a long way. Making sure you bring your pet in for a regular wellness exams performed by a veterinarian near you can uncover issues that need to be addressed.

Preventative Care

If you live in or near Escondido, CA, contact our team at Village Veterinary Hospital for both acute and preventative care. We look forward to working with you and your pet.

A Holistic Approach to Pet Health and Wellness

The body can be shockingly complex. This is true for both pets and humans. Many different systems interact with each other inside the body every second. Meanwhile, external factors also influence people and pets, including nutrition, other life forms (like bacteria), and so on. This is important to keep in mind when developing a holistic plan for nutrition, exercise, weight management, aging, and everything else.


Time changes all things, including the body. A veterinarian can help you monitor your pet and his health as he ages via a regular wellness exams. We can also perform blood panels to monitor many body systems. If your pet is putting on too much weight, nutritional adjustments and weight management can help him enjoy a healthier lifestyle not just right now, but also into the future.

Preventative Care for Pets

Pets have similar health requirements to humans. A healthy diet and proper nutrition can go a long way. Diet will help with not just weight management, but dental health, energy, and more.

Dental care can also be crucial. Regular dental cleanings, making sure sugar is limited in the diet, dental chew toys, and various other things can help improve or maintain good dental health. Unfortunately, dental issues can evolve into more serious medical issues, such as infections of the heart, liver, and kidney, so prevention is crucial.

Get Weight Management, Dental Cleanings, Nutrition Advice, and a Wellness Exam from a Veterinarian Near You

If you’re looking for a veterinarian near you who can help with weight management, elderly pet care, dental cleanings, parasite prevention, and other forms of preventative care, we’re ready to help. Pet owners living in or near Escondido, CA, can contact our team at Village Veterinary Hospital for their preventative pet care needs. Call us at (760) 741-9999 for weight management, dental cleanings, nutrition advice, and a wellness exams from a veterinarian near you.