Protecting your Pet with a Microchip

There's no worse feeling than being unable to locate your pet, and thankfully, microchipping can help in the event that your pet runs away. At Village Veterinary Hospital, your veterinarian in Escondido, CA, our team is here to give you peace of mind with pet microchipping so you don’t have to worry.

Why Is Microchipping Important?

When a dog or cat runs away, it's rarely intentional. Your dog or cat might see something that interests them and then be unable to find their way home. They may be sick or confused, and may have trouble getting their bearings when they're outdoors. While some pets eventually are found or make their way home, many, unfortunately, are not recovered.

Pet microchipping involves the implantation of a small chip underneath your pet's skin. In the event that your pet runs away, a veterinarian or animal shelter will be able to scan your pet's chip. Your pet's chip is tied to your contact information, and the person who scanned the chip will be able to reach out to you to let you know that they have your pet.

What Does the Microchipping Process Entail?

Often, we implant microchips during the spay and neuter process although it is possible to do it in awake pets. The microchip is simply delivered to the treatment area via a syringe. Your pet may have some soreness in the area where their microchip was placed. After your pet has their new microchip, we will register their chip for you so that if they are lost, your can be reached by shelters or vets where your pet may be presented and scanned.

Get Pet Microchipping from a Veterinarian Near You

Whether you're interested in microchipping your pet, are curious about whether they're up to date on their vaccinations, or are simply looking for a new wellness home for your pet, our team is here to help! Call us at (760) 741-9999 for pet microchipping from a veterinarian near you. We at Village Veterinary Hospital, your veterinarian in Escondido, CA, are here to help.

There's no worse feeling than being unable to locate your pet, and thankfully, microchipping can help in the event that your pet runs away. At Village Veterinary Hospital, your veterinarian in Escondido, CA, our team is here to give you peace of mind with pet microchipping so you don’t have to worry.

Why Is Microchipping Important?

When a dog or cat runs away, it's rarely intentional. Your dog or cat might see something that interests them and then be unable to find their way home. They may be sick or confused, and may have trouble getting their bearings when they're outdoors. While some pets eventually are found or make their way home, many, unfortunately, are not recovered.

Pet microchipping involves the implantation of a small chip underneath your pet's skin. In the event that your pet runs away, a veterinarian or animal shelter will be able to scan your pet's chip. Your pet's chip is tied to your contact information, and the person who scanned the chip will be able to reach out to you to let you know that they have your pet.

What Does the Microchipping Process Entail?

Often, we implant microchips during the spay and neuter process although it is possible to do it in awake pets. The microchip is simply delivered to the treatment area via a syringe. Your pet may have some soreness in the area where their microchip was placed. After your pet has their new microchip, we will register their chip for you so that if they are lost, your can be reached by shelters or vets where your pet may be presented and scanned.

Get Pet Microchipping from a Veterinarian Near You

Whether you're interested in microchipping your pet, are curious about whether they're up to date on their vaccinations, or are simply looking for a new wellness home for your pet, our team is here to help! Call us at (760) 741-9999 for pet microchipping from a veterinarian near you. We at Village Veterinary Hospital, your veterinarian in Escondido, CA, are here to help.